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Fotografi Oleh: Andrie Radian My mind can either imprison and liberate myself. I chose the latter and has been grateful ever since. Boleh jadi saya dipandang sebagai figur yang memiliki kepercayaan diri dalam berekspresi dan berpenampilan. Namun, sedikit yang tahu bahwa dulu sebenarnya saya sangatlah pemalu. Pada masa...

Hi sweethearts, I love to share my experiences to reach body goals with always have been a healthy eater, a fitness and wellness enthusiast. However there are things in my body that won't improve no matter how hard I exercise and watch my diet. Therefore I live by these non invasive treatments that enable me to achieve my body goals. I believe that maintenance is more crusial and safety is priority. I only do things that are proven safe and FDA approved. Get ready to look thinner without any surgery!

Hi sweethearts, summer fashion is quintessentially incomplete without, yeah ...  you guessed it right ... a pair of your sunnies. Sunglasses are that one accessory that look fab when classic and classic is timeless. Hidesign is known for classic designs and their sunglasses are no different. I’ve picked out my favourite sunnies for summer fling! Are you ready?