beautytips Tag


Hi sweethearts, I love to share my experiences to reach body goals with always have been a healthy eater, a fitness and wellness enthusiast. However there are things in my body that won't improve no matter how hard I exercise and watch my diet. Therefore I live by these non invasive treatments that enable me to achieve my body goals. I believe that maintenance is more crusial and safety is priority. I only do things that are proven safe and FDA approved. Get ready to look thinner without any surgery!

Hi sweethearts, this is one of beautiful day for me to be working with cosmetic product from Indonesia, Flair Makeup. Who's doesn't want to look pretty in a short time? Flair Makeup is one of the pioneers of innovation to launch airbrush makeup. So dear, let's take a look behind the scenes our Flair Makeup photoshoot!

Hi lovers, I want to tell you why I love London. Like most Londoners, I reveal in all familiar landmarks, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, the murky Thames, the London Eye. Start exploring London with my professional photographer, Milaneyes in another vibes. Making a good use of my friend's balcony is my favorite thing to do in London.

Hi sweethearts, sebagai wanita tentu rambut merupakan mahkota kecantikan. Well, kali ini aku ingin menunjukkan kehebatan Repit 2 in 1 yang sangat aku recommended dalam menata rambut seperti hasil blow dry salon dalam waktu yang singkat. Repit can make your hair stunning with perfect time and I really love this product!

Di tengah padatnya jadwal dan kemacetan Ibu Kota, aku menyempatkan untuk menghadiri Esqa Luncheon yang bertempat di Sophia the Gunawarman. Meski hadir terlambat, aku gembira bisa ikut dalam luncheon yang sekaligus peluncuran dua warna lip liquid terbaru dari Esqa Cosmetic.