May 08, 2017 How to be Single
Hi sweethearts, i want to share another empowerment especially for you to makes your life more fullest! Because sometimes some people keep on picking on you for choosing to be single and avoiding marriage, but i’m pretty sure about our choises.
Learn to love yourself because only by doing so, you will allow others to see the beauty in you.
Get a hobby that actually makes you feel excited about life (gossiping is not a hobby by the way).
Stop setting targets (i know, even Bridget Jones is married, however, before that there where Bridget Jones 1 and 2) lol.
Makeup: @beautybydecha | Stylist: @rrbrilianjane | Photography: @ditho_sitompoel for @fostivevisual | Videography: @felixks for @fostivevisual
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