Don’t miss our top picks of sports bra video!! Talked about which types are suitable for different workouts. Our fave brands, etc and our favorite sports bra is also LIVE!
Special thanks to: @harumips @mytipscantik | Makeup Artist: @beautybydecha | Videographer: www.labkreatif.com
My Tips Cantik originally started as a twitter account on April 9th 2010 serving timelines with beauty tips, life quotes, product reviews and beauty salon information, even though she know that maybe there are other media that serves similar information however, my aim is simply to share especially with young women my age.
The Twitter account received such amazing response, reaching 10,000 followers by the end of 2010! However, Twitter 140 characters restriction makes it hard to discuss beauty in depth and followers were beginning to ask for beauty advices and makeup tutorials, so she decided to expand it into a website where they could freely discuss about anything that’s beauty related.
Most of My Tips Cantik entries will be done in Bahasa Indonesia because she feel that language should not be a restriction when it comes to expanding our knowledge, so as a beauty enthusiast, why not create entries that are understandable and informative for Indonesian readers adapting from sources like not only beauty websites but also everyday experiences, books and public opinions. She truly hopeful for My Tips Cantik to grow into a bigger, better and stronger beauty enthusiasts community.