Jan 10, 2017 BTS Pat McGrath Glitter Lip Kit Swatches with Harumi
Who is doesn’t like glitter? In this Fabulously Fifi, me and my sexy friend Harumi will give you lip makeup tutorial to get sexy and glamorous at the same time! Are you ready?
Pat McGrath, the incredible makeup artist whose work you’ve definitely seen before, has created the most intense lip kits to date. The collection comes in three sets called Flesh, Vermillion Venom and Bloodwine. Each set contains a tube of vinyl gloss, a jar of molten gold powder, a jar of glitter, and two complementary lipsticks.
We toyed around on our hands first to see what we were working with. Stalk more the video on my youtube channel soon!
With love,
Special thanks to @harumips @mytipscantik | Outfit: @atsthelabel | Makeup: @beautybydecha | Videography: www.labkreatif.com